
Stöd för deprimerade, information om akuthjälp för dig som bär på självmordstankar, efterlevandestöd samt information för suicidprevention. Hur orkar man leva vidare när det är som mörkast? Var man hittar hjälp när man mår som sämst? Hur överlever man när en anhörig tagit sitt liv?

Some claims about suicide: True or False?

Kategori: Fakta kring suicid







People who often talk about suicide will not attempt it.

False! Most people who commit suicide do talk about it, more or less explicitly. But the people around them don't always get the message.


Talking or writing about suicide is risky - you should let sleeping dogs lie.

False! Research shows that it can work preventatively since it can make the person aware that they need to seek help.


Suicidal thoughts are common amongst teenagers.

True! It's relatively common for teenagers to think about suicide and existential issues. But if such thoughts lead to a suicide attempt, they must be taken extremely seriously as an expression of severe emotional problems.


Teenage boys are less likely to talk about suicide before committing the act.

True! Boys often keep their feelings to themselves and also commit suicide more often. It's twice as common for young men to take their lives than young women.


Most young people do not convey their thoughts of suicide to adults.

True! Young people often turn to their peers with their problems. It's also not uncommon for then to find it easier to talk to adults other than their own parents.


Suicide happens suddenly without warning.

False! The suicide process in adults is often long and drawn out. But in young people it can more often occur suddenly, and so it's important to be extremely vigilant for signs of mental ill-health among them.


Suicide is often preceded by an "up" period.

True! A depressed person is often unable to act. But once the depression wears off, their energy can return, bringing with it the greater risk of suicide.


Suicide is more likely in people who have previously attempted it.

True! Research shows a strong and lasting correlation between previous suicide attempts and completed suicide.


Suicide is more common around birthdays and other festive occasions.

True! A thesis published by Karolinska Institutet has shown that young people between the ages of 10 and 24 were more likely to commit acts of suicide over a two-week period close to their birthdays.


Suicide is often based on rational thoughts about the value of life.

False! Most acts of suicide take place under the influence of a mental disorder or drug abuse. Many suicide attempts are also made impulsively, before the person has had time to think things through.


It's impossible to stop a person who's made their mind up to commit suicide.

False! 85-90 per cent of those who have made serious suicide attempts do not complete it. Many suicide survivors ask themselves: "What was I thinking?"


Having a stomach pump is so nasty that it deters people from taking new overdoses.

False! A person close to suicide who takes an overdose doesn't reason like that. The only thought they have is a desire to escape their anguish or pain, where an overdose is the only way out.


Sweden has one of the world's highest suicide rates.

False! Sweden's suicide statistics are comparable to the rest of Europe. On a 90-nation list of percentage suicide rates amongst people between the ages of 15 and 19, Sweden ranks no. 57.


Everyone who tries to take their own life must be sick.

True! There's almost always some form of mental illness behind suicide, but it can also be triggered in young people by events that, to an adult, might seem trivial.



"Psykisk ohälsa och risk för självmordshandlingar bland ungdomar" by Britta Alin Åkerman from Barn i utsatta livssituationer.

Oxford textbook of suicidology and suicide prevention. A global perspective by Danuta Wasserman and Camilla Wasserman, Oxford University Press 2009.

Swedish National Prevention of Suicide and Mental Ill-health (NASP)



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